Spring 2014 (January – June, 20 weeks)
Imagine spending spring semester exploring the fascinating corners of Jerusalem!

Michigan State University and Hebrew University offer a special spring semester program that allows students to continue making progress in their academic programs while studying Israeli history and culture. The program is designed for students majoring in business, finance, journalism, communications, public affairs, political science, international relations, and the arts and humanities, as well as other majors. All students enroll in an intensive Hebrew course (Ulpan) that takes place in-country before the regular semester begins. Thereafter, Hebrew is optional. In addition to a broad menu of courses, an optional internship working with Israeli businesses, agencies, and non-profit organizations is available.

Students live in dormitories on the Mt Scopus campus and take classes (in English) at the Rothberg International School and in several departments of the university. The program is built around a required core course on the making of modern Israel. This course includes special activities and excursions.
Courses are available in Arabic; Archaeology; Art; Business; Communication; Conflict Resolution; Economics; English; Environment; Finance; Geography; Hebrew; History; Israeli Studies; Jewish Studies; Journalism; Middle East Studies; Music; Political Science; Psychology; and Religion. All students complete six credits of Hebrew (Ulpan) during the first 6 weeks, then 15 credits during the regular semester.

NOTE: MSU students who meet eligibility criteria (minimum 3.0 GPA and at least one year of study at MSU) may apply for a Levy Scholarship.