REL 150 (3 credits): Introduction to Biblical Literature, Christopher Frilingos
Sec. 001-Tue/Thu 1:00-2:20pm
This course teaches the critical study of religion – not the devotional study of the Bible. I will not try to persuade you to adopt or reject a religious viewpoint. Nor does the course promote personal religious beliefs and practices.
There are three main learning goals:
- To acquire knowledge of the library of biblical literature. We will read books from the Tanakh, which is the biblical canon for Jews, and books from what Christians call the New Testament. (The Tanakh is similar to but not identical to the Christian “Old Testament.”)
- To analyze biblical literature with the tools of critical biblical scholarship. We will consider important questions in the field of biblical studies as well as apply critical methods to biblical literature.
- To reflect upon practices of interpretation in reading biblical literature.
One important practical benefit is that you will gain consistent practice in writing about the ideas of others as well as your own.