Thursday, March 12, 7:00-8:30 PM Wells Hall B-342
Dr. Sten H. Vermund
Dean and Anna M.R. Lauder Professor of Public Health; Professor of Pediatrics, Yale School of Medicine
Madeleine Lenski
Specialist, MSU Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Dean Vermund and Madeleine Lenski will discuss the experience of Norway under Nazi occupation by examining the life and legacy of Odd Nansen.
Dean Vermund will discuss Nansen’s diary from the Grini concentration camp outside of Oslo, which is one of the only surviving diaries from a Norwegian concentration camp.
Madeleine Lenski will discuss the rescue organization “Nansenhjelpen,” which Nansen established in 1936 to provide assistance to Jewish and political refugees from Nazi tyranny, and its extraordinary rescue of hundreds of Jews from Prague.