Wednesday, March 11, 7:30-9:00 PM
James Madison College Library, 332 Case Hall
Professor Yael Aronoff
James Madison College, Serling Chair in Israel Studies and Director of the Serling Institute for Jewish Studies and Modern Israel
Professor Elie Rekhess
The Crown Visiting Professor in Israel Studies at Northwestern University, Associate Director for Israel Studies and a Visiting Professor in the Department of History
On March 2, 2020, almost immediately after Israel’s third election in one year, Professor Elie Rekhess and Professor Yael Aronoff will analyze these historic elections and their implications. Israel’s politics and society are so polarized, that for the first time in history, no leading party has been able to form a coalition over two consecutive elections. How have parties re-aligned, and adapted platforms and strategies, in order to try to create a recipe for success the third time around? What were the varied domestic and foreign policy goals? How in particular have Arab Israeli parties coalesced to increase their influence? What are their (various) priorities, and how do they impact the leading parties’ ability to form coalitions? What are possible coalitions that could be formed as a consequence of the March 2nd election and what are the possible domestic and foreign policy implications? Come hear the insights of two experts on Israeli politics and join a lively discussion.
Yael Aronoff, publications include: The Political Psychology of Israeli Prime Minister: When Hard – Liners Opt for Peace, (Cambridge University Press, 2014); “The Zionist Center-Left Opposition to the Netanyahu Governments,” in Israel Under Netanyahu: Domestic Politics and Foreign Affairs, ed. Robert Freedman, Routledge, 2019; “Israeli Prime Ministers: Transforming the Victimhood Discourse,” in The Victimhood Discourse in Contemporary Israel, Ed. Ilan Peleg. Roman & Littlefield, 2019; “Predicting Peace: The Contingent Nature of Leadership and Domestic Politics in Israel,” Democracy and Conflict Resolution: The Dilemmas of Israel’s Peacemaking eds. Hendrik Spruyt, Miriam F. Elman, and Oded Haklai. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2014.
Elie Rekhess, is one of Israel’s leading experts on the Arab minority in Israel and Jewish-Arab relations. He recently authored, edited, and co-edited: Muslim Minorities in non-Muslim Majority Countries: The Test Case of the Islamic Movement in Israel (2013); The Arab Society in Israel: A Compendium (2009); Arab Youth in Israel: Caught between Prospects and Risk (2008);The Arab Minority in Israel: An Analysis of the ‘Future Vision’ Documents (2008); The Arab Minority in Israel and the 17th Knesset Elections (2007);Together but Apart: Mixed Cities in Israel (2007); The Evolvement of an Arab-Palestinian National Minority in Israel (2007).
Co- sponsors: James Madison College, The College of Arts and Letters, Residential College in the Arts and Humanities, College of Social Science, Asian Studies Center.